Thursday, September 2, 2010

Return To Mozambique

Well it's time. After many months, years even, of waiting on the Lord for what He has for us we are stepping out in faith and once again boarding a plane to another continent. On September 23rd, Kyle and I are going to Pemba, Mozambique! Kyle will be attending a mission school with Iris Ministries (the same school that I went to in 2006) and I will be on staff for the school. I never thought that I would go back to Mozambique. I didn't really even have a desire to go back, but one day this past fall Kyle informed me that he thinks he might want to go to the school in Mozambique. My first thought was “no you don't, no, no, no, you don't want to do that!” I really didn't want to go, but slowly and surely the Holy Spirit began to change my heart. Now I'm so excited to go and see what God's going to do in Kyle's heart during the school, and how He's going to use little me to minister to students from around the world and to the beautiful Mozambican people.

After the school is finished in early December we're going with some fellow students to Nepal on an outreach trip for 3 weeks. I am so happy to be going back to Nepal! Kyle and I went there in June 2008 before we went to India. It is such a beautiful country with the most friendly people. We're really excited to be going back there with a different purpose then just travelling. While we found it to be really dark place spiritually the first time we were there, we're really excited and blessed to bring God's love and light to a place that so desperately needs Him.

The most crazy part of all of this is that we don't have return tickets! We want to leave the door open for whatever the Lord has for us and be able to go wherever He wants us to go. We know from past experience that if you have a return flight you will use it. Kyle and I were prepared to go and do anything after our trip in India, but we had these expensive flights and before we knew it we found ourselves on a plane back home. Ever since we arrived back in September of 2008 we've been wanting to go away again. We've been waiting for the Lord's direction. It's also been really good to spend the first two years of our marriage in a familiar environment, instead of being newly weds in a strange place. But now we're ready and excited for the next phase in our life. I really feel like this is just the start of the next level that God has for us. So here we go!

Step 1: Mozambique
Step 2: Nepal
Please join us in praying about what step 3 is for us!

Other prayer requests: For the final preparations for our trip to go smoothly, for financial provision, and for an increase in faith and love.

Thank you and many blessings from our Father!

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