Saturday, October 8, 2011

Child Sponsorship

If anyone is interested Iris Nepal offers a Child Sponsorship program for the kids at our home. Photos of the children along with their sponsorship status can be found here. For more info email

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Radio Silence....

...We're still alive and doing well, but due to moving, no internet access, and our laptop dying, we have been rather lacking on the communication front. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll be able to give a more verbose update(with pictures) on whats been going on with us. For now we leave you with a point form outline.
  • After 11 months of nomadic homelessness we've finally moved into our own flat just outside of Kathmandu. We live above a church and below our amazing landlord. The place is brand new which is a nice perk in Asia, and when its a clear day we can see a number of Himalayan mountains from our windows.
  • The power supply on our laptop blew which has led us down the wonderful adventures of international warranty claims
  • We've seriously been falling more in love with the children at the home.  The more we get to know them and their personalities the more they work their way into our hearts. 
  • All the staff who we're away during the summer returned last month, and last week we had a YWAM arrive. Now we'll be resuming village outreaches, going to Nepal's many unreached villages and sharing the love of the Father with them.

On another note, last week we encountered Gods amazing faithfulness and provision. Essentially we ran out of money and we didn't know what we were going to do. So we prayed and thanked Jesus for His provision and faithfulness ahead of time. The next day we received more money than we immediately needed from a totally unexpected source. Then a couple days later our base leader came to our door with money saying it wasn't from him and he couldn't tell us who it was from. Jesus is so good and faithful, its amazing!

Thats all for now
Grace, Peace, & more Holy Spirit
-Kyle & Annie