Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our apartment is empty!

We moved all of our stuff into storage yesterday. We were blessed to be able to store it all in my mother in laws basement. Thank you MOM!!!

It's such a relief to have it done. We didn't get to packing until 5 days before we moved so it was pretty crazy this past week, lots of late nights and not getting to bed until 2am. It has been so busy the past few weeks, I feel like a haven't had time to breathe. Now that the move is finished we can just focus on the last minute preparations for our trip. We are still staying at our apartment though, it's very empty with lots of echo's.

We need to do a test pack tomorrow, which we've been meaning to do for a long time. I don't know how we're going to fit everything! I am not a fan of packing, I have a hard time deciding on what to bring and what to leave.

I am getting more and more excited, although it seems so surreal at the same time. In 5 nights we will be in Africa. Speaking of nights, I gotta go to bed, air mattress here I come!

Ann Marie

1 comment:

  1. Oh you posted on my birthday! Awesome. Lots of prayers for safety and protection as you travel. Love you guys and be careful!
